Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Describe your Out of Class Experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Describe your Out of Class Experience - Essay Example school period is something not many people do normally and especially when the examinations are near and usually the norm is to be found strictly in reading zones. This was a new experience for me and also for the few friends I was with as i had never done anything like this as I am always busy in the libraries and engaging in group discussions just before an exam which builds up the pressure and tension making remembering harder. This was the exact opposite during this experience as I got to remember even without much reference to class notes and discussions. The insight I got from this whole experience was that education is possible anywhere as long as one puts their mind to what they are studying or being taught and is relaxed. It was during my summer holiday break last year, when i had an opportunity to experience another out of class experience by attend a seminar that is related to my course in school and that was being held near my home town. The seminar was a five days affair with five different motivational guest speakers most of whom were born in that town and had become successful in their careers. The aim of the seminar was to motivate and encourage the students pursuing this course and who are from my home town not to dwell on their backgrounds but think about the future and how they could change that whichever way they wanted. These were ideal speakers as they had experienced almost all the trials, tribulations and joys that are present in this town and hence the far they reached and whatever they had achieved by the time the seminar was being conducted was possible for the students residing in this location. This got me to start dreaming big about my future and how all the challenges I was currently facing in school and in life as a result of the geographical locations should not be a hindrance but act as a stepping stone towards a bright future. I even got one of the speakers to be my role model to help me in achieving this dream and

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Comparison of US and Iraq Constitutions

Comparison of US and Iraq Constitutions A constitution can be defined as a laid down rules for the government which are time and again codified as a form of written manuscript that spells out and confines the functions and ability to exercise force of a political party (power). In the case of countries and sovereign regions of federal states the phrase refers exclusively to a constitution defining the core principles of politics, and instituting the configuration, procedures, (sociology)>powers and duties, of a government. Most constitutions guarantee rights to the people by limiting the governments own reach. We will be comparing and contrasting the American constitution against the Iraqi constitution. Both constitutions are codified. Under the patronage of a British military occupation in 1925, Iraqis first constitution entered into force which then formed a monarchy which remained in effect until in 1958, the revolution established a republic. Interim constitutions have been adopted over the years but a referendum t hat took place in 2005 approved the constitution currently being used by Iraqis. On the other hand the American constitution is considered foundation and basis of the legal right to exercise power over another (authority) essential to the existence of the United States of America and the federal government of the United States. It grants the framework for the institute of the United States government and for the rapport of the federal government to the states, to citizens, and to all people within the United States. Both constitutions empathize on democracy. The constitutions seek to protect the dignity and liberty of man. The constitutions forbid any kind of emotional, psychological, or physical torture. Both constitutions are mindful of the welfare and security of its people despite the freedom of communication the constitutions provide that the freedom can be breached by a judicial decision whenever it is a matter of national security. These affect the individual rights of the citizen. There is also freedom of worship in the constitutions although the Iraq constitution further states that Islam is the official language. According to the Iraqi constitution section three chapter articles 49 the council of representatives shall be elected and shall consist of a number of members at a ratio of one member per 100,000 Iraqi persons. These representatives shall be elected by a direct secret general ballot. The members are elected for a term of 4 years. The president is elected by the council of representatives by a two-thirds majority and is limited to 2 terms in office with a span of 4years in 1 term. The president of Iraq has two deputies with whom they form a presidency council. The presidency council appoints the prime minister of Iraq and cabinet ministers who must be approved by assembly. There should be two thirds majority for a president to be elected. The American constitution states that the president has all the executive power vested on him the president is the chief diplomat and the commander in chief of the armed forces. For a maximum of two four-year terms the president and vice-president ar e elected as running mates by the Electoral College for which each single state is allocated a number of seats based on its representation on the senate and House of Representatives whose members of both the houses are elected by the Americans. ÂÂ  The vice-president is second highest executive officer of the government. The vice-president is only allowed to vote in the senate to break a vote which is tied. The chief executive officer of the United States is the Secretary of State. The Secretary of state is appointed by the president and is the third highest ranking member of the government and they answer directly to the president. In the USA constitution the Supreme Court is the highest court of the land. The court is responsible for matters dealing with state disputes, and interpreting the constitution of the USA and overrules some legislations therefore creating precedents for future reference. The supreme and lower court justices are elected by the people while the rest ar e appointed since they are in the federal government. The Iraqi constitution provides that local court judges are appointed by the local authority, while the federal government appoints the supreme judges. Islam is also considered a source of legislation and the laws of administration circumscribe Shariah laws U.S. citizens have almost universal suffrage from the age of 18. The state governments have the utmost impact over most Americans’ day to day lives. The Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution warranties their broad-spectrum plenary powers, against the limited spell out powers possessed by the federal government; as a result, they handle the bulk of the issues most pertinent for most individuals within their jurisdiction. The governor is the highest elected official at each state is the governor. There is also an elected state legislature in each state except Nebraska (bicameralism), whose members represent the state voters. The town, city, or county boards are the institutions responsible for local governments. The legislature in each state should stipulate the time manner and places of holding elections for senators and representatives. Iraq has a unicameral legislature The president of the United Sates receives compensation, which may not be increased or decreased during their time in office; for being the president. Qualification for presidency in the United States include; a natural born citizen U. S. A, at least 35 years of age and have resided in the states for 14 years. The representatives must be of an age of 25 or above, and citizens of the land for a minimum of 7 years and an inhabitant of the state they are elected. The senators must be 30years and have been citizens of that states for 9 years and must be inhabitants of the state at the time. The amendments as provided by the constitution of the United States may be approved in the following ways: by special convention from congress, ratified by two-thirds of both houses and sent for approval to the states, or by Two-thirds of the state legislatures applying to Congress for a constitutional caucus to consider amendments, which are then sent for approval to the states. Any amendments to the Iraqi constitution would have to be approved by a similar referendum to the one that had approved it originally. Vacancies are to be filled by writs of election issued by the executive authority whenever vacancies happen from the representation of any state (Section 2, Clause 4,). Madison provides it is of great importance not only to guard one part of the society against injustice but also to guard the other side of society against oppression from its rulers (1788). Thanksgiving has become a huge traditional American holiday, then there`s independence day which celebrates the declaration of independence which are all national holidays and enacted in the constitution. Both the Iraq and the United States constitutions seek to serve their people who have different demographics. Each of the constitutions has the interests of the people at heart focusing on the different lifestyles and cultures of two different people. After analyzing both the constitutions and the research material which I have been through which some of the information is not included I find that both constitutions are very effective.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Influence of Indian Warfare on the Development of the United States Arm

Influence of Indian Warfare on the Development of the United States Army Throughout history, when two or more armed groups oppose one another in battle, certain tactics are transferred from one to the other. These tactics are usually perceived by either group as superior to their own. This process of transferring tactics often occurs over a length of time, and usually encompass a number of conflicts between the groups. This is a natural phenomenon for armed forces that mimics the Darwinian Theory of Evolution; the strongest survive, the weak die. For a group to become the strongest in armed conflict, it must employ superior tactics and doctrine over its enemy. One method that an armed force uses to become stronger is to adapt the superior tactics of its enemy, incorporating them into its own doctrine. Today, the United States Army is undoubtedly the strongest armed force in the world. This has not occurred without the Army also adapting tactics used by forces which opposed it throughout its development. One such opposing force were the American Indians. The history of opposition between these two groups can be traced back to the conflicts that occurred between the Amerindians and the English Colonists, whose militias were the ancestor of the U.S. Army. The colonial militia was an institution of the English that was imported to their colonies in the New World in the sixteenth century. The colonial militias thrived, however, as those of England faded into relative non-existence in the seventeenth century while a new, professional army was developed in their place. No colony could afford to develop a professional armed force because every able-bodied man had to devote all his energy to the economic survival of the colony. ... ...ll, William G., et al, comps. American Military History. Army Historical Ser. Washington: GPO, 1989. Coakley, Robert W., and Stetson Conn. The War of the American Revolution. Washington: GPO, 1975. Fennell, Jr., Charles C. "The Civil War: The First Modern War." The American Military Tradition. Ed. John M. Carroll and Colin F. Baxter. Wilmington: Scholarly Resources,Inc., 1993. 3-22. Mahon, John K., and Romana Danysh. Infantry Part I. Army Lineage Ser. Washington: GPO, 1972. Overy, David H. "The Colonial Wars and the American Revolution." The American Military Tradition. Ed. John M. Carroll and Colin F. Baxter. Wilmington: Scholarly Resources,Inc., 1993. 3-22. United States. Dept. of the Army. Soldier's Manual of Common Tasks - Skill Level 1. Washington: GPO, 1990. Weigley, Russell F. History of the United States Army. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1984.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Becoming a Teacher

Becoming a Teacher Becoming a Teacher Every person has his or her own dreams of becoming somebody when he or she grows up. Some would say they want to be a doctor, engineer, lawyer, accountant, or businessman. In my case, ever since I was a child, I have been nurturing this dream of becoming a teacher. I decided to embark on this noble profession for three main reasons.The first reason can be attributed to my wish to have an impact on people’s lives. Specifically, I wish to become a role model for the youth of today, many of whom are in need of guidance.I believe that I can be a good example and a teacher to every student that I will be teaching in the future. By being a role model, I can help my future students grow and mold them to become better individuals—a feat that, when achieved, can certainly leave me fulfilled. Second, I want to become a teacher for a very simple reason: I want to share knowledge and make a difference in people’s lives. I seek to educate the young ones not only about the sub jects that they have to learn, but also about the realities of the world and the values that they should live out.I also wish to have the chance to help them achieve their goals and dreams in the future. By doing so, I would be able to draw out every student’s potential and help him or her lead a successful life founded on integrity. Third, my passion for and interest in dealing with children prompted me to decide on becoming a teacher.For me, children are just like angels; being around them makes me feel happy and content in life. They are cute, sweet, and adorable. They may be stubborn, hardheaded, and noisy, but these are the qualities that make them a child, so their display of such behavior is only natural.Hence, I, as a teacher, should start teaching children during their formative years so that they will grow up to become principled individuals. These are the reasons why I am very eager and enthusiastic to become a teacher.Teaching is a very challenging profession. Thu s, in order to survive and become a successful and effective teacher, I believe that teachers should possess the following characteristics and skills. First of all, a teacher should have compassion, a trait that entails empathy, kindness, and benevolence.Teachers with compassion possess a genuine desire to help students. Hence, being compassionate is one of the most important traits that a teacher should have. Another quality that is crucial to teachers is dedication. Teaching is not just a profession; it is a commitment that an individual takes due to his or her great intention to help others and pass on the knowledge and skills that he or she has. Teachers should also have confidence in themselves in order to be an effective teacher. They must know what they are doing and have the courage to lead every student to the right path.Strength is also another important trait that teachers should possess in order for students to regard them with respect. Moreover, teachers should exhibit enthusiasm in order to motivate the students to learn and develop. They should also be approachable and have good communication skills in order to prevent misunderstandings or miscommunications with and among their students.Open communication is imperative in a teacher-student relationship so that the teacher will know whether there is development or problem in his or her students.In addition, I also believe that a teacher should demonstrate a good attitude and character to his or her students. They should always be a good example to their students and always show positive feelings and emotions (Glenn, 2001). Finally, the most important personal characteristic that a teacher should have is a lot of patience. Patience is said to be a virtue, a virtue that is very hard to keep and maintain. Being a teacher requires having a lot of patience because of all the responsibilities that he or she has to fulfill, such as making sure that the students learn and develop their skills.Considering this list of the personal characteristics that a teacher should possess in order to become effective, one may perceive the profession as very difficult and complicated to fulfill. However, knowing that the purpose of teachers is to help and change other people’s life for the better does not hinder me to fulfill my dream of becoming a teacher someday. There are different types of schooling in the society nowadays. One of these is special education. Special education is a very different setting compared to a normal school.It is a school or a place where various special and additional services are provided for children or people with disabilities, including blind, deaf, mute, and mentally challenged individuals, among others (Watson, 2003). To stay updated in the field of special education, teachers can attend seminars or taking a special course that directly provides information especially relevant to this field. This may involve taking a course that offers different technique s and strategies in teaching and handling special children.Learning that is based on personal observation could be helpful as well in this field. Keeping one’s passion sounds very easy especially if it is something that a person enjoys doing. Nonetheless, in the field of teaching, it might appear very difficult to keep a teacher’s passion in teaching, for it is said to be a very stressful and difficult career. However, in my opinion, maintaining my passion for teaching is easy. There are a lot of things that I can do in order to maintain my strong will and desire in teaching.Being innovative in my teaching style, combined with a positive attitude towards this profession, would keep me happy and satisfied with this job. Dealing with children, getting to know different students, and gaining love, respect and care from students are also rewarding reasons to be passionate about being a teacher. Building relationships and fostering creativity within my students, which are s ome of many exciting things that I am looking forward to achieve when I become a teacher, would perpetually rekindle my passion for teaching.In addition to this, keeping in mind that the students future lies on my hands would certainly maintain my passion and keenness to be a great teacher and a role model to every student I will have. Indeed, having a career in teaching can be considered as a blessing and an honor to an individual. It is one of the most noble and respected jobs in the world, and its intangible rewards will always arouse the passion that I have always possessed towards teaching.I believe that a great teacher has the responsibility to bring out the best in every student. A teacher should have an open mind, positive attitude, and high expectations everyday as he or she goes to school. This is my educational philosophy. When I become a teacher, I would gladly and proudly become an inspiration to every child. I would like to be an instrument that will make these childre n grow and succeed in their lives. I wish to live a life of service to other people most especially to children.I want to be a teacher to be able to nurture children and instill all the necessary knowledge and values that one should have in order to have a blissful and rewarding life. Teaching will always be my passion, and I will never harbor feelings of regret in choosing this career path. References Glenn, R. E. (2001). Admirable Teaching Traits. Education World. Retrieved January 28, 2009 from http://www. education-world. com/a_curr/curr387. shtml. Watson, S. (2003). What is special education?. About. com. Retrieved January 28, 2009 from http://specialed. about. com/od/idea/a/Special101. htm

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Love after all Essay

In William Shakespeare’s â€Å"Hamlet†, Ophelia, the daughter of the King’s councilor is not allowed to love prince Hamlet. Princes are not free to marry ladies of the court and both Ophelia’s brother and father would not allow her to love him. She followed her father’s instruction and did not pursue a relationship with Hamlet. Ophelia must not love Hamlet, and she shows no obvious affection toward him, therefore she does not love him. Contrary to these facts, when the text is analyzed, there are strands of evidence that suggest that she does love Hamlet and is tortures by her inability to express these feelings. In Act 1 Scene 3, Laertes advises his sister on the subject of Hamlet to â€Å"Think it no more†. Hamlet cannot love Ophelia because, as Laertes knows â€Å"His greatness weigh’d, his will is not his own; For he himself is subject to his birth: / He may not, as unvalued persons do, Carve for himself; for on his choice depends The safety and health of this whole state†. Hamlet cannot be involved with Ophelia due to his position. On a more personal level of advice, Laertes had advised â€Å"Fear it, Ophelia, fear it, my dear sister, And keep you in the rear of your affection†. Her father also advised her to stay away from him. He instructed â€Å"Do not believe his vows; for they are brokers, Not of that dye which their investments show. I would not, in plain terms, from this time forth, Have you so slander any moment leisure, As to give words or talk with the Lord Hamlet†. Having been instructed all her life to obey her father, Ophelia will follow his advice for the rest of her life, ignoring Hamlet’s love and returning his letters. She was very passive, and just follower her father’s commands. It would seem at this point as if Ophelia is ready to give up any chance for love with Hamlet. Earlier in the play it had been unclear if there had been a relationship between them. When the King and Polonius are eavesdropping on Hamlet and Ophelia, she had some â€Å"remembrances† of his that she had wanted to give him back. The remembrances would mean that there was a past between them in which they had exchanged tokens. In his so-called â€Å"insane† state, Hamlet denied ever giving her the tokens. Had they been unimportant to her, she would not have reacted as she did. She tells him that he knows he sent them â€Å"And, with them, words of so sweet breath composed As made the things more rich. † It would appear as if she truly wants him to remember the tokens of the times that they had. She described the letters as if she had loved getting them, as if she thought they were sweet. As he starts to rave and say cruel things, such as that he did not love her, she cried out for the sweet heavenly powers to save and restore him. Although he was insane and she was not supposed to love him, a very short period of time reveals that she cherishes their past and wishes for him to return to his previous state. As Ophelia wondered to herself after he left about â€Å"what a noble mind is here o’erthrown†, we see how she thinks highly of him and she regrets what has befallen him. After Polonius is killed by Hamlet, Ophelia begins to act insane, singing and dancing. Her songs may seem like nonsense or just random ravings, but upon close inspection, there are messages in her words. When she started singing â€Å"To-morrow is Saint Valentine’s day, All in the morning betime, And I a maid at your window, To be your Valentine. Then up he rose, and donn’d his clothes, And dupp’d the chamber-door; Let in the maid, that out a maid. Never departed more. † Valentines is the day of love, she was at the window, hoping to be â€Å"his† valentine. In the morning, the door that let a maid in would never let out a maid again. There are a few interpretations of this. She is a maid, or a love, that will not leave his heart. She could be stuck in his heart, seeing as the maids never departed again. She is singing about love and a man opening a door on Valentine’s Day. Any underlying messages in her songs are all similar. One is about true love, one is about a death, and another one contains a section that goes â€Å"before you tumbled me, You promised me to wed. † All of these songs support that Ophelia is deeply in love with Hamlet. Whether or not he actually promised to marry her, she brought it up, perhaps from a previous experience with him, perhaps from subconscious desire. Whether or not she is insane, she is expressing emotions about love, being trapped in love, the death of a love, and a promise of love. The conclusion that she must love him can be drawn. Her admiration, her caring for him, and her sweet words about his tokens are not those of someone who has no feelings for him. She is confused because of the contrast between her feelings and her family’s instructions. Having been taught to follow her orders, she is acting as if Hamlet means nothing to her. When paying close attention to her, we can find many indications that there was love and still is. After her father was killed, she was singing more about love than about things that could relate to her father. Rather than see how she is not allowed to love him and does not show any love, how she feels is easily visible through her words and actions. She did love Hamlet before she committed suicide, it was just forbidden, which did not stop it from leaking out.